
The World of Nine White Stones

It’s our world, around 2002, before smartphones. Terrorist attacks are the main concern around the globe. Marxism is in control of academia, the media, most politicians, and the arts. America has elected a President who wants to fight back against all of it.

Magic exists, but only as what a human can get a demon to do. While history has vague examples of mythical magic, actual sorcerers are extremely rare and only operate underground. Magic is not known to the public. The lore of the universe is a combination of Biblical and Lovecraftian.

The Nether is a parallel 4th dimension. Hell. A den of evil. It’s fiery hot and acidic, and features structures of black rock and strange spheres that extend in all directions. Souls of the recently dead float in the Nether until they are either consumed or they receive a “Marker.” Consuming souls is the primary source of power in the Nether. Receiving a Marker transforms the soul into a physical denizen of the Nether and allows it to control itself and move volitionally. This is how a demon is born.

Markers are demonic blood. And they make up the Nether stone and spheres. The spheres vibrate like electron shells because they are actually made of endless fractals compounded on each other. Chaos Theory governs the shape of Nether material, and it can form antennae that point to the chaotic center of the universe.

If the Nether exists, then doesn’t Heaven as well? Probably, but no one in modern times has ever seen direct evidence of God or Jesus, or an angel, or anything remotely angelic. Or maybe they’ve been seen but just kept themselves incognito. Many have looked at ancient history and hypothesized about angelic influence. The Bible is probably a hundred-percent true. It could simply be that God and Jesus are adamant about keeping Faith completely about a personal relationship. And giving Man dominion on Earth, which has resulted in demons, is just part of His Plan.

“We killed the ambassador and his entire family, friends, colleagues, servants, supporters and pets.  Their bodies are down in the cellar.  Would you care for a drink?  Blood.  Flesh.  Lemonade.  Coca-cola.  Urine.  Hydroxide.  Coli-form broth.  I am open.  All choices are open when looking on from another world.”
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